Wednesday, July 20, 2011

His Love.

July 20, 2011

I find it amazing how each day we are here is better than the day before! It seems like the first day we had several spare moments to take pictures or take a breath; however, as our bonds are growing and relationships are getting stronger, the kids latch on don’t ever let you go! As we arrive at the villages, the kids gather around and follow the bus until it stops. The kids swarm us as we get off of the bus, wrap their arms around us as we share the love of Jesus with these precious little ones.

Every day after the adult teaching (which happens while we are playing with the kids), Jessica has been teaching English to the adults. I had the opportunity to watch her teach the few that were there. She went through the greetings, basic questions, and colors. It was so exciting to see the people from the village, who have never really had proper English teaching, begin to understand the language she was teaching! The people were so appreciative and thrilled to be able to ask someone their name in English! Overall, the time we have spent and the relationships we have developed have blessed the hearts of all of us on our team!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Madison,

    I look forward to reading your blog. You can read mine at .

    --Ryan Sebastian
