Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gracias a Dios.

This past weekend I had the privilege of going to stay with the wonderful missionaries in San Pedro (where I took the group of girls this summer!).  For me this was a huge blessing because this was my first Thanksgiving away from my family and I was able to spend it with people that I know doing something that I love.  I left for Santo Domingo (the capital) on a bus Wednesday morning. I have never ridden the bus here so I was a little nervous. It turned out to be really simple, a nice ride and fairly quick. Josh and Toni (one of the missionary couples) greeted me at the bus station to drive me to San Pedro (the place we went this summer).  It was so nice to see people who I knew before arriving in the Dominican in October.  We spent the next couple of days visiting with each other and going to the sugar cane villages.  

The first day we went to the village, I was so surprised that many of the kids remembered me! It blessed my heart! I was so happy to just love on the kids and play with them once again.  This time in the batay, I was about to try the sugar cane (that is grown and processed to make Domino Sugar in the States!). It was delicious- if you have someone cut the bark off the outside first! I was also able to visit the village that we purchased shoes for back in July. I was overwhelmed when I saw a group of them with their shoes on their feet-much more worn than when we left. They all greeted me with hugs and were quick to find my hand to hold. 

I spent Thanksgiving day cooking with Pam, smelling the sweet aroma of apple cider and playing cards with friends. We all gathered around one table and enjoyed a wonderful meal together! Also while I was in San Pedro, Jason and Pam took me “black friday” shopping (ok, so nothing like shopping in the States...). We went to one strip of vendors to buy a cheap canvas painting that is very popular in the Dominican.  

As I was riding the bus back from the Capital, I realized how the Lord continues to remind me of His goodness and faithfulness in my life. The Lord has blessed me beyond what I could have asked or imagined. He continues to give me opportunities to share His love with those around me. I stopped to think “how is it that I see this so much more here than when I am in the states?” How do I miss his blessings when I am surrounded by anything anyone can ask for in the connivence of the United States. I am convinced that the Lord is still present just as He is here in my life, but when you CHOOSE to see His hand you will. When you let the materialism and things fade away, you realize that Jesus is right there blessing after blessing. When He is all you have, you start to see that He is all you need. I pray that we would be able to see the little blessings that He sends us in every moment of our lives. Thank you for reading! Hope to write more soon! 
Dominican Address: 
Santiago Christian School 
Madison Wheeler 
8400 N.W. 25th ST Suite 110
BM # 2-30555 
Doral, FL 33122

1 comment:

  1. You are such an inspiration my friend! I pray to be used as a vessel as you are..in His will of course :) Love you girl!
