Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Longing for a heavenly home...

These last three weeks have been very challenging and trying to many different ways. When I lived in the Philippines (for 17 weeks), I did not get homesick very much.; however, this time around has certainly proved to be different. I could not settle the feeling because I know that I am right where the Lord has called me to be. Whether it is because I spent the last five months at home with my family and friends, serving at my amazing church or because I am longing for a different home this time around; the Lord has been faithful to remind me of my ultimate “home.” 
I was reading a passage from a wonderful author that was talking about being homesick. She quoted Ecclesiastes 3:11b that says, “He has planted eternity in the human heart.” She continued ask what are we to do when we feel homesick for a place where we feel safe, wanted and cared for. What should we do wen our hearts are restless when we are far from home. 
I am reminded that in the arms of Christ is my ultimate home. That no matter where I go I can take my “eternal” home with me.  She explained that “When the Israelites were waiting for God to lead them to their new home in the Promised Land, He had them build a tabernacle for Hs presence to dwell right there where they were, wherever that was on their journey.” It is so comforting to think that the Lord will bring His presence right to where we are, settle down in our hearts and abide in us. 
In all this, I have been reminded that I need to have a hungriness for a heavenly place, but while I am on this earth the Lord promises to make his “home” in me. 
I Corinthians 3:16, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” 

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Timmy & I just had special prayer for you.
    We love you!
